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We know COVID-19 has

An With more and more non-essential workers going remote for the first time, and no clear end in sight, managers are scrambling to manage remote teams and workers effectively. CS team members have been conducting live virtual trainings and webinars for clients since before the pandemic and stands ready to serve you and engage your team with lively, facilitated professional development sessions in

the ZOOM where it happens!

impacted everything.

Gain the necessary awareness and skill to effectively manage workers and teams working remotely and keep them engaged and productive.

Communicating with employees and team members can be difficult when we rely solely on technology and we can't rely on the nonverbal aspects of interpersonal communication. Find out what helps.

Leading and participating in remote meetings via conference call or video chat is different than meeting face to face and brigns a host of new challenges. Find out what they are and how to overcome them.

Any and all of our off-the-shelf or customized training solutions are available in a dynamic, interactive virtual format in the Zoom where it happens (or virtual meeting platform of your choice).

Managing Remote Teams

Communicating Remotely

Effective Remote Meetings

Everything Else!

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